Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - zoo & beit guvrin

Have had a terrific couple of days, but today particularly was absolutely
amazing - beit guvrin - wowowow.

Yesterday morning had breakfast at one of our 'regular' haunts - a mafia
(bakery) in mea shearim. We introduced the girls to our mate behind the
counter - moshe (aka superman). All our regular coffee places know us and
greet us with 'shalom - echad natul ve'echad ragil?' (1 decaf & 1 regular).
Moshe is a big young man with a very nice disposition and also possibly not
very good at maths... He charged us 110 shekels (30bucks!) for breakfast and
lunch - but i think that's normal prices for that area, as its mostly
patronised by bochrim. Girls had their requisite 4-5 mini pastries each and
a babycino. We're just introducing that drink here by the way - no one has
heard of it before... And i recommend the bakery if you ever get the
opportunity - it's the only one in rehov Bet Israel.

Then after a pitstop at the King David hotel (nice place, needs a reno tho)
we spent the day at Jerusalem 'Biblical' Zoo. For the most part its a
regular zoo with an excellent assortment of animals (inc. a very good range
of Aussie animals), but in addition where possible they include on the
nameplate an excerpt from the Tanach of where the animal is mentioned. This
zoo is great for young kids and also has a large playground, a petting zoo
and a mini sightseeing train.

This morning we went to Meyer's French patisserie around the corner in
Sha'arei Chesed. We all had a croissant and 'cino (and because its beside
Rehavia it cost us about 3x what Moshe charged), then drove off to Beit

Beit Guvrin. Far out. Far far far out. The Bell Caves - oh my goodness
gracious. Incredible. This is a MUST see. Absolutely no joking - check our
picasa photo's link below. I'm not sure i've ever been in such a cave before
in my life (and i've seen a lot). To put into perspective how big one of
these cave is, i reckon it could have fit a 7-8 storey building in there.
HUGE. In fact i personally found it so awesome it was a bit scary. The girls
went berserk running around the caves and yelling out for the echo. Then we
walked around some other caves in the area which are very special, fun and
interesting in their own right.

Late afternoon we went to the Karps for awhile so the kids could play
together and then went to a fantastic dinner at the Shwarma shop beside the
McD's in Bet Shemesh. Very delicious.

Great day. Tired. Going to bed.


Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -9 hours (e.g. Melb 10am=J'lem 1am)

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