Thursday, October 29, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - Latrun and Friends&Family

Latrun was great today. The girls (and I) loved climbing all over the tanks, and it was very interesting to see the memorabilia.
Yesterday, after school the girls went with Rochelle to Yad Ezra and they packed food boxes, and also sorted the fruit to throw away the bad ones. At 4pm we travelled to Shoham and had a very Australian BBQ dinner with the Kasmans (well done Chef Tzvika) and Eli&Elisheva. Our girls were enjoying being with their kids (Noam, Gil & Ron) and the whole evening was a pleasure. We left about 9.30, and our girls were knackered - especially waking up this morning. This morning they also put on white t-shirts for school as a memorial to Yitchak Rabin (although i think the general concensus in Israel is that not only was Oslo a failure, but it has very much been to Israel's detriment)
On Monday afternoon we visited Leah Karp (nee Morris) and her kids in Ramat Bet Shemesh. I walked all the kids down to the park for a while, and Sandy&Brian were there too and we like them. RBS is a very nice modern area and we all had a good time.
Tuesday was Rochelle's and my anniversary, and she got a couple of pretty blue rocks for her ears(show you later). In the morning we had breakfast in HaMoshavat HaGermanit(German Colony) with Sandra's 2nd cousin Elaine Shimshoni - from a new section of the family we've never known about. The family resemblance is remarkable. I brought the laptop with and she & Sandra had a meet&greet by video call. Great stuff. Elaine's been in Israel for 40years but her Aussie accent is still strong. That afternoon we stuck around home writing postcards (nice to do nothing) and while Beth babysat that evening (thanks Beth) Shel&I went to Malcha Mall to look at the shops (retail therapy - although at first we
went there for a movie but they've closed them down there?) and then for dessert at some place (was crap - scuse the language).

So this Shabbos we'll be with the Salkins in Bet Shemesh, which is very nice of them to invite us. We're looking forward to spending the time with them.

I'm just driving now to see Beth in E.Talpiot. I want see how she is because she hurt her hand.

All the best and have a good weekend!

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -9 hours (e.g. Melb 10am=J'lem 1am)

Steinbergs in Israel - tunnels et al

Hi All
Well, the cooler weather is on its way. For the past 6 weeks (!) it has been a warm & pleasant 29-33degC every day, but just the last few days there have been some darker clouds around and the temp is now around 25. Right now its a bit blowy and grey out and you can smell the rain in the air.
I had no idea that its so dusty in Jerusalem. I realise now that the desert (its real real desert - nuthin baby) is only about 5-10kms east from the heart of jerusalem so after a few days of light wind everything has a fine layer of sandy dust on it, and after some rain our car has splotches of dust all over it.
We've perhaps been taking it a bit easier over the last week, although i still haven't found the time to write an update on our travels.
I shouldn't leave it so long between updates because it is difficult to retrace our steps, and the emails become [even more] long-winded. Last Wednesday (21st) after we dropped the girls off to school I took Rochelle to a volunteer place - Yad Ezra VeShulamit - in Mea Shearim. The volunteer work is a soup kitchen and packing food boxes and then help with children after school. Look it up and make a donation. They do good work. It's run by a guy who himself was destitute as a child and vowed to help those in need when he was old enough. Strangely one of their minor issues about Rochelle was to clarify if she was jewish, because they get a lot of non-jews, jews for jesus,etc offering to help - but they need jewish people especially in the kitchen and with the kids. While Rochelle was there i decided to go off to the Knesset and try to see a session. I got there just at the right time 11am Wed and i very much enjoyed that. Walking in thru the security (the first 'checkpoint' was a guard causually leaning against a wall outside picking his teeth ''why are you here?'', and the second was inside ''who invited you?'' - odd...?). Walking from the security gate to the main Knesset building is quite awesome as you are in a big open and exposed area as you approach. Just before walking into the viewing gallery (which is behind bullet-proof glass) you walk past a guard who is lying down on a couch beside the door. (wish i could take a photo - and he hadn't moved when i walked out an hour later). For most of the hour i was there i was pretty much by myself, and there were only about 12 out of a possible 125ministers attending, but i still got to see some Q&A's and a vote taking place. I didn't understand a thing but it was an experience not unlike being at the Kotel - the Kotel is like the heart of the Jewish people and the Knesset is like the heart of the Jewish land. Both places give me a feeling i can only describe as the opposite of isolation, where you are close and part of something - you belong and its all there just for you.
After the Knesset i picked up the girls from school and took them to get Rochelle from Yad Ezra. We all came in and interacted with the kids while they finished their dinner and played/did homework in a room. There were about 40-50kids there and some of them were a bit relentless asking all sorts of questions and wanting to know English words. They were cute and our girls were very mature and patient attempting to interact. Kol Hakavod.
On Wednesday early evening we went to see the sound&light show at Migdal David (David's Citadel, and by the way nothing to do with King David - silly Herod). This show went for about 30-40mins and it was SPECTACULAR. One of the best things to see here.
Later that night Beth & I went out for a beer - hooray for a drinking buddy.
Thursday 22nd was terrific. While the girls were at school in the morning, Rochelle and i shopped at M.Yehuda shuq for shabbos, and then i bought 6 torches for our tour that afternoon of Ir David! Hezekiah's Tunnel, Shiloam Pool, Gihon Spring - wow. You walk through a 500m [very] narrow tunnel hewn through the mountain by King Hezekiah about 2000years ago. A lot of fun and i still have the pink wristband on - kind of like what you get when you've been on a waterslide ;-) So Ir David was very very good. That night Rochelle & I went out to Hillel St - a super cool area to go on Thurs night for a drink&nargila (hookah). The place to be seen. 'Crack Square' and a shop nearby 'Goa' were particularly funny.
Shabbos was nice with Beth and motzei shabbos (Sat.night) we drove to 'Tel Stone/Kiryat Yearim' (beside Abu Gosh) about 20mins west of J'lem to see one of Rochelle's uni friends Esti(&Eli) and their kids. Lovely 4 storey (!) house with plenty of bedrooms and large backyard. All the kids got along very well and we had pizza.
Sunday 25th after school we went to the Kotel tunnels. We saw a stone that weighs 600tons (4 jumbo jets) and you walk underground the entire length of the Western Wall. From previous reports i could never completely understand where this tunnel went, e.g. does it go under the temple mount? how close to the holy of holies? etc - but now i get it... The 'kotel tunnel' runs beside the entire remainder of the Western Wall (Kotel) which is about 600m. The Kotel that we see is only about 1/6th of the entire Western Wall (which was the wall behind the Temple), and the rest of it has been obscured by 2 millenia of buildings. You don't go under the temple mount.

I'll tell you about the rest of this week soon... Thurs afternoon and we just picked up the girls and now off to Latrun.
(see our picasa site below for some great pics)

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -9 hours (e.g. Melb 10am=J'lem 1am)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - chag,yad&monster

Had a very enjoyable day today.
Whilst the girls were at school and p'group, I took Rochelle to the Ministry of Welfare in Talpiot where she organised some volunteer work for herself in a soup kitchen.
After dropping Rochelle back home i picked all the girls up around 1. They had all had a good day, but the temp was around 31 and they were a bit warm.
We picked up Rochelle from home and she brought out lunch and icypoles - yay! - and we all drove (again) to Hadassah Hospital to see the Chagall windows. They are so beautiful and i am quite certain the girls truly appreciated coming to see them. They listened to the audio explanation of each window and they were quite captivated by the images and working out all the little hidden nuances.
From there we went 'around the corner' a few km's away to the Yad Kennedy memorial - i.e. JFK memorial. WOW. Very very very impressive and we were all extremely happy we took a detour to it. I've never seen it before, but now i realise it is a MUST see. Although marginally run-down, we were there all by ourselves, and it is perched on the top of a mountain in the middle of a KKL forest. It was so serene and picturesque. In fact the silence that surrounded us was eerily awesome.
We're now just leaving 'monster slide' park where the girls have expelled their last scintilla of energy for the day. Hannah's crying.
Can't wait for Rochelle's dinner of chicken legs...
A great day.

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -9 hours (e.g. Melb 10am=J'lem 1am)

Steinbergs in israel - found it

just found carlton hardware equivalent in israel - rehov yad charutzim, talpiot, jerusalem. was organised chaos there too...

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -9 hours (e.g. Melb 10am=J'lem 1am)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - Menorah at the Knesset

Nice warm day in Jerusalem.
All quiet, no one around (friday like sunday). Had the menorah all to ourselves - except for the occasional bus load of tourists from germany breaking the silence...
Love us

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -8 hours (e.g. Melb 9am=J'lem 1am)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - Mini & Dead Sea

Yawn, really tired but had to give you a little weekly wrap before going geshluffen...
Kids started school - great
Tues arvo went to mini Israel - good fun
Thurs arvo went to Dead Sea - absolutely unreal and great great fun.
Please check the Picasa online album link below for some super pic's. The mud was luuuuuvly.

Love us.

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -8 hours (e.g. Melb 9am=J'lem 1am)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - school

Off to school - 2nd day with their new school tops. Very happy 1st day yesterday, with nice classes and new friends already. Yay!
Putting phase 2 of our plans into action today... When the kids finish school at 1 we will go sightseeing. Today off to mini-Israel and tomorrow perhaps Dead Sea! Woohoo!
All well and be well...

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -9 hours (e.g. Melb 10am=J'lem 1am)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - school&tooth

Just before school started today, Elisa's tooth fell out! Yay #1! Just waiting to start school now at Paula Ben-Gurion, Rehavia.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - Mea Shearim; Zaida'z house

we found zaida's house down the little dead-end street of yitchak sholal in mea shearim.

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -8 hours (e.g. Melb 9am=J'lem 1am)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - 3rd week wrap

Hi All
My phone's photo-email upload service appears to be faulty, which is why you haven't received any updates lately - yay?. (I think i have to reload the phone OS - yay not.)
The following is what we have done this week during Sukkot Mo'ed - very busy - and go to the picasa online album(link below) to checkout this weeks pics:

5th - Monday - Birkat Cohanim&Aviad-Cohens&BatAyin boys to BetShemesh:
This was an awesome day. Seeing birkat cohanim at the Kotel, which is basically the focus/highlight of Sukkot (a pilgrimage festival) was on Monday. We got there, in the heat and with the crowd of about 40,000, at about 10.15am, and found a spot over-looking the plaza on rehov kotel hama'aravi. 5mins later the cohanim began their priestly blessing during which the crowd was absolutely silent and still. An awesome awesome few minutes and an extraordinary experience. All Jews should aim to experience this at least once in their lives - sooner rather than later. (happens on Pesach, Shavuot & Succot)
For lunch in our Succah we had Dalia&Benny - M&D's good friends. They have been really helpful in getting our kids into school for a month - starting this Monday. We owe them big time for helping to make this experience complete... Akiva Moshel (teenager neighbour from Melbourne) stayed over and he came to Kotel with us as he is a cohen - a great honour for us. That night i drove him back to Bat Ayin, we picked up some of his mates and i drove them to Bet Shemesh for a big youth concert. Good fun. He found his way back to our place afterwards and slept the night.

6th - Tuesday - Bat Ayin&Gavna
We all drove Akiva back to his home in BatAyin the next morning. It is over the 'green line', near Efrat, Betar, and Gush Etzion, so there's lots of high concrete walls and razor wire beside the road, and major roads go through big long tunnels under some arab towns. BatAyin is perched on one of the highest peaks in the region (hence 'ayin' = eye) and it's a bit like looking at a map of Israel - we could see J'lem, Betar, Bet Shemesh, Ashdod, Ashkelon and all the way to the Mediterranean. Quite spectacular scenery, and Akiva showed us around the settlement. There is a 2000yo spring, some old ruins and some caves. Quite a lot of fun. We also had lunch nearby at the Succah in Gavna restaurant which overlooks all this landscape. Very pretty and great food. For the thrillseekers, the view also overlooked an amazing flying fox which goes for several hundred metres over a valley. I'd love to do that...
When we got back home at 5 i absolutely crashed in bed.

7th - Wednesday - Frumkes&Yacobinski's
Oy, a big day, perhaps too much. But lovely to meet up with family. We drove to Rishon LeZion Ma'arav(West) and met Zaida Dave Neistat's 2nd cousin - Shlomo Frumkes and his wife Ofra and their grandkids. Such lovely and warm and hospitable people. This is a new part of the family that only by chance did we make contact with them - due to a school roots project made by their grandson Guy(now 17 and a real mensch) a few years ago, and Evelynne finding a copy of his project on the internet - incredible hashgacha pratit. They live in the new section of R.L.Z. and the area reminds me very much of Main Beach near Surfers. A gorgeous, tropical-style area which would be perfect to visit, and nearby is a fabulous beach. The Frumkes' live in a 6th floor penthouse overlooking the region. They took us out to see Rochelle's g.g.grandparents' house (from around 1880), and then to their gravesite in a very honourable position near the top of the hill at the old RLZ cemetery - just beside Edmund DeRothschild (of Carmel Winery, Chateau Lefite). They were pioneers of RLZ. Whilst Ofra got lunch ready for us, Shlomo took us to the beach - its quite amazing (check the pics). Lunch was copious amounts of delicious yiddishe food - thanks Ofra&Guy.
Around 5 we said our goodbye's and travelled another 20mins to Gedera to have dinner with Isaac's 1st cousin Dudu&Irit Yacobinski and their kids Mor,Chen&Shai. They made us feel very much at home and we had pizza&quiche for dinner. Yum. The kids got presents of some craft stuff which thankfully kept them entertained. It was a lovely evening.

8th - Thursday - Salkin's&Galili's
Today we were invited for brunch to David&Rachel Salkin (Mark's brother) in Bet Shemesh. Being in the company of David,Rachel and kids was virtually like being with surrogate siblings. Despite not being blood relatives and rarely seeing them, they know so much about us and us about them that it was a very comfortable and homely atmosphere - a feeling you rarely get when you're a million miles from home. A big thank you to them for their hospitality. Our girls felt right at home with Yaela and Yonatan.
After over-staying our brunch welcome, we finally left the Salkins around 4 and got back to our J'lem home around 5. Shortly after a whirlwind clean up and Succah preparation, my cousin Shlomi Galili, wife Ronit and kids Tomer and Zohar came over for a 'light' dinner. They had been across the road at Gan Sacker so we were grateful they stayed on to share some time with us. I'm happy we got the opportunity to see them. We just relaxed in the Succah, had some beer, and shmoozed. It was a nice time and their boys got along quite well with Talia&Gaby - because they were all wild together!

9th - Friday - hopefully get an early start to the day of rest!
.... This day is yet to dawn, but a much lighter day is planned. We'll try to see my Zaida's house in Mea Shearim and then do some food shopping at the Shuq (M.Yehuda) for Shabbos-YomTov. Beth's staying over and Gidon&Hadas are coming for dinner too.

Chag Sameach

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -8 hours (e.g. Melb 9am=J'lem 1am)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - 2nd day succot at the kotel & old city

A day in the old city. Heaps of people. Very festive. The girls deposited their kvitels in the wall and we said the bracha on the arba minim (lulav&etrog). Looking forward to coming back in the morning for bircat cohanim.
Kol tov.

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online:
Web photo album:
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -8 hours (e.g. Melb 9am=J'lem 1am)