Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - yom kippa - day 14-15 Jerusalem

Hi all
Shana tova to everybody. Hope you had a good fast - I don't think we did... (although Rochelle had it easier because the kids kept her mind off the fast!) Shul seemed to drag on a bit, although it was a lovely atmosphere and the people are friendly. I sat next to a family 'Nailand' from Sydney who were here to celebrate their sons bar-mitzvah last shabbos, and they came to our place (across the road from Shule) to break the fast. Plus i got tthe honour of hagba. We've been treated very nicely which is a great comfort. The girls were excellent on Yom Kippur, they were good the whole day. Beth stayed with us, even though we put her through child sleep-deprivation torture. I'm happy she was with us and got to use our seat in shul here.
Today i took home Beth to Talpiot and then went past the parking office - again fruitless (*#+/&?!:). Came home by 9.30 and we all went straight out (walked of course) to see the Time Elevator on Hillel St just sth of Ben Yehuda. Hannah couldn't go in so she & i wandered the streets in the surrounding neighbourhood. Every street has its little nuance and style. A great area. After the girls saw time elevator, which made them a little travel sick (4D - kind of like imax on steroids) and had to explain a lot of history to them, we all grabbed a bite at a fabulous pizza shop called Agvaniah on Jaffa Rd. Wow - really good. And ready very very quickly. Walked up ben yehuda, bought some succah decorations and art supplies from a toy shop and then walked home. The girls are really terrific walkers now, Hannah too - no complaints. Came home and Hannah slept whilst i directed the girls to building our succah in our backyard - almost as big as the one at home! Sorry i didn't take photos - i will tomorrow - but no joking the 3 girls put most of the frame together all by themselves. Its terrific! And i'm happy because i'm a lazy bugger! Then went across the road to Shule and helped them construct their Succah which was built very Israeli-style. Read into it what you will... Finished off with the girls having some new found Israeli friends over for dinner and doing some succah artwork with them.
Probably off to Israeli Museum tomorrow.
Luv ya.
Pesach Shmuel.
(my beards growing quite well - but too many white hairs)

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
Blog online: http://steinbergsinisrael.blogspot.com
Web photo album: http://picasaweb.google.com/steinbergpicasa
GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=101845790702321945414.00046ae3bb9b8c8d66f12
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - Amirim

Loved spending the day with our Amirim family - like our brothers & sisters and nieces & nephews. they really looked after us and joy,dria&netta made us plenty of food. Yum. took the girls up to the plane war memorial early in the morning, then a great big brunch at joys. Relaxed at joy&peters for a while and then went over to dria's followed by a 2-3hr hike throught the surrounding forest ending up at netta's for dinner. Yum yum yum. Netta's daughter Rosey slept over in our cabin. We love them...
Its been great having cousin Beth with us too - she's so good with the kids, and she enjoyed meeting a new side of the family.

'Home' to Yerushalayim tomorrow... (Hopefully i can stay on the right road this time...)