Thursday, October 29, 2009

Steinbergs in Israel - Latrun and Friends&Family

Latrun was great today. The girls (and I) loved climbing all over the tanks, and it was very interesting to see the memorabilia.
Yesterday, after school the girls went with Rochelle to Yad Ezra and they packed food boxes, and also sorted the fruit to throw away the bad ones. At 4pm we travelled to Shoham and had a very Australian BBQ dinner with the Kasmans (well done Chef Tzvika) and Eli&Elisheva. Our girls were enjoying being with their kids (Noam, Gil & Ron) and the whole evening was a pleasure. We left about 9.30, and our girls were knackered - especially waking up this morning. This morning they also put on white t-shirts for school as a memorial to Yitchak Rabin (although i think the general concensus in Israel is that not only was Oslo a failure, but it has very much been to Israel's detriment)
On Monday afternoon we visited Leah Karp (nee Morris) and her kids in Ramat Bet Shemesh. I walked all the kids down to the park for a while, and Sandy&Brian were there too and we like them. RBS is a very nice modern area and we all had a good time.
Tuesday was Rochelle's and my anniversary, and she got a couple of pretty blue rocks for her ears(show you later). In the morning we had breakfast in HaMoshavat HaGermanit(German Colony) with Sandra's 2nd cousin Elaine Shimshoni - from a new section of the family we've never known about. The family resemblance is remarkable. I brought the laptop with and she & Sandra had a meet&greet by video call. Great stuff. Elaine's been in Israel for 40years but her Aussie accent is still strong. That afternoon we stuck around home writing postcards (nice to do nothing) and while Beth babysat that evening (thanks Beth) Shel&I went to Malcha Mall to look at the shops (retail therapy - although at first we
went there for a movie but they've closed them down there?) and then for dessert at some place (was crap - scuse the language).

So this Shabbos we'll be with the Salkins in Bet Shemesh, which is very nice of them to invite us. We're looking forward to spending the time with them.

I'm just driving now to see Beth in E.Talpiot. I want see how she is because she hurt her hand.

All the best and have a good weekend!

Latest update from the Steinbergs In Israel...
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GoogleMaps Steinberg Israel Tour:
Skype Paul username: 'paulsteinberg'
Skype Steinberg Family username: 'prsteinberg'
Jerusalem address: 27 Narkis, Nahlaot.
Telephone: (03) 9015-9718 (local call in Australia)
Telephone: +972-(0)52-3396805 (in Israel)
Time: Melbourne Aust (AEST) minus -9 hours (e.g. Melb 10am=J'lem 1am)

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