Israelis would love peace but with little further cost. The forced removal from Gush Katif is now loathed and lamented by most Israelis. It set the precedent in Israeli minds that 'Land For Peace' is a pipe dream... i.e.thousands of rocket attacks, chronic palestinian/muslim inability to recognise the existence of Israel, etc. The latest disturbances over the last month have been caused by extremist muslim leaders inciting their followers to riot, with lies such as ''go and protect the temple mount - the jews are coming to take it over'':
A. The Jews already own it, but don't step foot on it.
B. After 1967, Israel gave control over the temple mount to the Muslim Waqf (another well-known historical decision regretted in current Israeli thinking)which is still adhered to, except for when violence erupts.
C. I was THERE on the days that the Muslim leaders said the Jews were supposed to be ascending the mount [en masse], or tunnelling under the temple mount. It never happened. And if it did happen i would've joined in.
So spouting absurd lies is the only way they can incense their people to riot(nothing new), and interestingly much much much less arabs were spurred by their inciting words (the 'rioters' numbered about 20). In fact, one particular viewpoint is that those over the 'green line' are beginning to realise which side their bread is buttered on, eg. just a month ago some palestinians were the first inductees into the Magen David Adom ambulance service - as specific aids in the arab areas.
As soon as the moronic muslim leaders were taken into custody 1-2 weeks ago all sides went back to business as usual - everyone is happy and the media didn't have any further rubbish to espouse.
My 2 cents.
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