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Subject: Steinbergs in Israel - Dead Sea Scrolls & Steak Dinner.
Date: 30/09/2009 11:02 pm
Firstly, i cook a mean steak - yum.
Secondly, we decided to get out and do something proper today, so off we drove (could've walked) to the Israel Museum, which is also the home of the Dead Sea Scrolls - the Shrine of the Book. The Shrine is quite awesome until you realise that the big round glass case in the middle of the hall simply contains a 'facsimile' of the scrolls - bit of a let down. There was one piece of the scrolls on display (fyi, written on the d.s.scrolls is mainly the book of prophet Isaiah - one of our main sources for insights into the messiah and judgement day), plus there was the Aleppo Codex (~1000y.o,, a compilation of the Tanach) and the Nurenberg Mahzor(~500y.o., MASSIVE book). There was also a masks exhbition which fascinated all of us inc Hannah; scary, funny, silly (& included the 'oldest mask in the world' dated 9000y.o.), and another exhbition on roots and family - G&T were absorbed by the old photos and artwork, and we stood a hairs breadth away from a Picasso (but not Hannah!). We got for free those little audio tour guides and funnily enough we actually used them as we went around - the girls especially - a good little gimmick. They learnt a lot.
Another big attraction as you walk in the museum is a scale model of J'lem at the time of the 2nd temple, an area of about 40x30m. We spent quite a bit of time there with our little audio tours.
By the end it was quite a long day and we were outside in the heat for some time. Came home and put up the canvas walls of the succah, while the girls had a friend 'Alma' over. Finally ended up with a delicious steak dinner. Yum!
Yawn.... Knackered.... Good night.
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